Monday, January 4, 2010

Whats with the blog name?

So a few years ago, I went out dancing with some friends and I ran into a guy I hadn't seen in years. While dancing I asked him what he was doing for a living, he said, "American family therapy" and I said, "What? You won't see families from other countries or something?" He said, "what?" And I said, "What?" It turns out he was a Marriage and Family Therapist. Hmm.... That guy ended up marrying my roommate and they are very happy, living the dream in California.

So this blog is kind of about those moments, sometimes mis-communicated, sometimes awkward, but they are all real. Mostly they are just funny. Sometimes they are from a page of FML. Like, when my ex of 8 years got married to a gal that was 9 years younger which he dated for 2 months. FML. But mostly its just for me to put it down and walk away. That always feels better, apparently a lot of people do this too, but they put it on mole skin binded pages. I also have a binded notebook that I write my inner thoughts, those I will not share. This, this is that inbetween part. Hopefully you will laugh or relate, but you will all mostly silently judge. And for that, go nuts. Just,keep it silent.