Saturday, January 23, 2010

This year I committed to to run two half marathons and one marathon. I want to commit to more however, I am not sure if I will lose my motivation if I do. So, I decided that was a good number to start with.
It will be my first, so a lot of anticipation and expectation are going into that race. In my new effort to achieve this new goal, I have decided to greatly cut back my intake of beer. Or, alcohol in general. A couple reasons,
1) it makes me really tired.
2) It makes me lazy. Or I choose to be lazy, not sure which. Either way, its not working so hott for me. Yes thats hot with t-t. Get over it.

I also recently committed to run in the Northwest Passage Ragnar Relay. This race is kind of ridiculous if you haven't heard of it. You have a team of 12 runners cover in "relay" 184 miles. All day, all night.

When I was 9 we lived in Egypt and I ran on a similar relay team and the event was called the "24 hour marathon". It was held at the Cairo American College literally on the track. So each team would camp out in the middle field in tents and each runner had to run a mile, and pass the baton to the next runner. I remember being SO exhausted eating a ton of candy and junk food imported from the USA special for this event, and bands played all night long. And basically it was a ton of French, Greek, American, British, and Swedish consulate and oil people. I think my team was one of 2 kids teams. I cried at the end when my dad tried to take my picture. I still have that picture on my shelf, along with the medals from that event.
Really hoping I don't cry this year.

If this sounds cool/fun to you here is the link.

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