Wednesday, January 6, 2010

because I love, love

I have this saying, love people well. I figure its fairly to the point, its something I try to remember. Be concious of. So no matter what relationship I engage in with that person, I should try to love them well. I am not a pro yet, but I am trying.

Recently I added love people well, and the rest will follow. When we love people well, we might not get the kind of love we think we deserve in return. We might be the only one loving, love isn't something you give in order to get your fair share back. The beauty is, you do receive something in return and its so valuable, you practiced the act of love. You ARE better. I had a friend tell me that he gets better everyday, and its true. Its something you give, you put it out there, and sit in it. Its not always going to come back. When it does, in any kind of relationship, its love-ly.

I choose to love. Its just easier.

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