Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What took you the CUSS so long?

First off I need to apologize, mostly to myself and my sister that I have not posted a blog in FOREVER. Its been 8 weeks and to me that is a very long time. I wish I could say that I have all these hilarious things to write about but really most of them are ironic.

For instance this last weekend, I went to the most beautiful place on earth. (An absolute statement). You know it everybody, because you have read about it and envisioned it. OR, you went to the movies and saw it. Yes, I am talking about Forks, WA. As in the movie Twilight. I won't go into beautiful detail, but lets just say, its so far away from Seattle that the phone company which I subscribe to, says I was in Canada. THATS how far away it is. But it truly is majestic in all senses of the word. Beautiful lakes, the ocean, old growth forest with gigantic trees, hot springs and hiking trails

Anyway-I went on a early morning, like 10:45am, run and wanted to do some trails. My mom, was afraid I would see deer, or worse, bears! Me, not giving a cuss about bears, thinks its a great idea to head up a certain trail alone. I wanted something in an hour or so, and I chose to run up to the falls, across the river, and down another trail called "lovers lane". My first 3 miles up to the falls were so fun and beautiful. Wide trails, no rocks, lots fallen old growth trees to jump over etc. When I reached the top it was magnificent. So beautiful and refreshing with the mist from the falls sprinkling down everywhere. I crossed the river, and headed towards lovers lane.
Now, this trail started out wide, easy to navigate, clear path. Then a few feet in, it got confusing, which way do I go? There were 3 trails! I went with my gut and decided to follow the one that looked like it went along the river. So far, choose your own adventure is going OK! Yeah! Then as I keep going, I see the trail becoming much more narrow, and now it has rocks. Like, sharp slatey kind of rocks that make it impossible to run on, so I have to slow down. I keep going, more rocks. More narrow trail, wait a second, it diverges again! Which to choose, again I go with common sense. It works! Thank the Lord or I would be up cuss creek. I end up going farther along, and it dawns on me! I know exactly why this piece of cuss trail is called "Lovers Lane"! Its all rocky, hard to find your footing, muddy, and diverges all the time and you have "figure out" which way to go!! Much like "some" peoples love lives. ;)

I still choose love.



  1. I want to go to Forks now. Did you see Fantastic Mr. Fox? It was cussin good eh?

  2. YAY, you finally posted! Missed you. Even though I see you all the time.

  3. Very fun trip with you. Love the analogy. :) Marm
