Sunday, May 2, 2010


A couple months ago, before I went on my FB lenten journey, I was at 500 friends. I decided that was way too many and I went through and "de-friended" several names. I went down to almost 420 and felt rather good about my cuts. Recently I logged into my Facebook account and noticed I was at 497 "friends".
Seriously? 497? WAY too many for me again, looks like I need to do some natural selection.
It got me thinking about how many people I do indeed "know". How many have I just "met" that I think I will know. Or how many are just people that I played soccer with, attended college with, or happy hour? Do I really want these people in my life? Or do I really think its necessary to keep up a Facebook "relationship" with?
My answer, is no. If we don't talk, text, IM, blog, tweet or aren't my friend. You and I don't "know" each other. We are not hanging out, networking, caring, laughing, praying or drinking. We are not in "relationship". Therefore, it was very pleasing to open my FB today and see that someone de-friended me. Thank you, number 498th friend who cut me.
I salute you.

Your Friend,