Thursday, February 4, 2010

GTJ Sometimes life is SLOW

Yesterday was my first experience at hospital. It was all very routine, and kind of what I would expect.
But the best part was AFTER the surgery, on the recovery medicine. Yeah, you know what I am talking about don't you?
After I get discharged, mom and I go to the drug store to fulfill my PX. I am high as a kite at this point because of just waking up from my "procedure" as nurse Lynsey calls it. At the drug store I can barely walk and my mom has to hold me up to turn in my Px's. We turn around and all of the sudden there is a mad rush of geriatric shoppers edging to get to the one section of eye drops right by mom and I, and we can't move. In my happy state, I laugh out loud and say "geriatric traffic jam!" and just about wet my pants laughing so hard. I think this is hilarious!
My mother, completely mortified, starts telling people, "so sorry about my daughter, she is on drugs".
Like these people can,
A) Hear and
B) care. I am stating the truth! Geeze. This, in turn, makes me laugh even harder because she is so aware of me and peoples reactions and I am so numb I don't care about their reactions. I laugh so hard, I have to sit down in a chair, but I can't really sit b/c of my surgery I have to kind of lay sideways.
Now I am in bed and still on pain killers and still laughing. I really like this state of being.

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