Thursday, December 16, 2010


There are some things in life that either don't ever leave us or they take forever to get rid of them. You know, like that old intramural (fill in generic sport) college T shirt your spouse still wears. You hate it, you know you do. Maybe you ignore it when it hits the wash. Or the college loan you have to pay each month, that NEVER seems to be paid down because of interest. Or those last 5 lbs, that you can't ever run off. Maybe its a disease, or broken heart it seems to always be with you. I have something like that now, and no matter what I do, I can't seem to heal it, make it go away, or conquer it...yet.

Some other things in life don't leave us, for the opposite reason. You don't want it to. Love for instance is one of those things. We all need it, want it. To give it, to receive it. If given space, trust, honesty and grace it gets stronger and bigger. It can be the thing which sets you free, blessing you, and you in turn can love others.
It's those things in life, the ones that don't leave us, that seem to become more beautiful and rich over time. It can take forever for you to feel like you have it, but if you look at how far it has come or how much you have nurtured it, you could be surprised at the magnitude of its beauty. Sometimes the things that are always with us, the good things, can turn the hard or crippling things into strengths or cover them completely.


PS. Love Each Other Well.

1 comment:

  1. that was beautiful friend.

    thank you for the reminder!

    happy holidays to you - i think of you often!

