Sunday, February 13, 2011

I have been sick all week. The kind of sick where you are so weak, reading hurts and exhausts you. I think I watched 12 movies over the course of the week. I missed 3 days of work, about 150 emails, of which I intermittently responded to, 2 parties, 3 dinner invitations and about 6 runs. Oh and a collapse of an authoritarian regime. All this exhaustion and bed time left me with lots of time to think and reflect on my life, where I am going and what do I want.
One thing I realized, I am much more like Bridget Jones than I care to admit. How? Well aside from being a single woman in her 30's, daughter from broken home, I have wonderful friends. Each night when I was sick they visited me, keeping me alive. One by one, making sure I was connected to them. Bringing me soup, conversation, laughter and company. I know that if I was stuck in a Thai prison, my friends would call Mark Darcy.
I also realized that there were some things in my life where "it's not good enough for me". It is okay, no, necessary to pursue the "whole" aspect of your life. And those things I take an active role in deciding and pursuing.
Love is such an active state. It can be felt, sure. But it grows and is cemented with actions.
The other thing I learned is there is no delivery for Pho near where I live. Are you kidding me? This is a travesty.

Thank you my friends and family for loving me well.

Much love,